Collaboration for better transit planning and customer service

You should be able to read your rider’s complaints and collaborate without forgetting to click reply all. TransitChat stores all of your rider feedback and conversations without searching through email threads and forwarding conversations.


Issue Tracking and Conversations

Your conversations and the the details of the issue are stored in one place open for teams to see. No email forwarding

Real-time vechicle mapping

Simple mapping for customer service with vehcile and on-time performance updates. No more switching between programs.

Simple Email Updates

We send out email updates to users with breakdowns of issues and accomplishments. Staying up to date without meetings.

Tag Conversations with Locations

Keeping track of where issues occoured is stored on the issue. Knowing where issues are side by side with the issue.

Group Issues by Route and Trips

Filter and group issues by routes help you prioritize schedule updates. Schdule updates have never been easier.

No Other System Required

TransitChat is a stand alone product all agencies need is a GTFS to get started. No advanced contracts or agreements.

Built with Transit in Mind

With over a decade of experience with working with planning and opeations we saw a need for improving the way that agencies communicate issues and schedule changes.

customer service workflow

Built for everyone in your agency


TransitChat for different departments

TransitChat was meant to be the source of truth for everyone in real-time. Breaking down the silos will build better tranasit.

Find the right plan for your agency

Early Access Pricing

Early access customers will be locked into their pricing

$5.7Ka year

Great for getting started and smaller Agencies
Features include:
  • Up to 10 users
  • Supports real-time mapping
  • Email support
  • Support for multiple Agencies
  • Automated email summaries
  • Early acces to advanced features
Most Popular
$13Ka year

Agencies who have a growing group and want email insights
Features include:
  • Up to 20 users
  • Supports real-time mapping
  • Priority email support
  • Support for multiple Agencies
  • Automated email summaries
  • Early acces to advanced features
$20Ka year

For agencies that want to make sure that everyone stays involved
Features include:
  • Up to 30 users
  • Supports real-time mapping
  • Priority email support
  • Support for multiple Agencies
  • Automated email summaries
  • Early acces to advanced features

None of these work for you?

We would love to hear from you even if none of these work. We are open to helping out transit agencies big and small to meet their goals.

Say goodbye to chasing after emails and manual documentation.

TransitChat offers the premier solution for making it simple to funnel customer complaints into schedule planning and federal documentation. Break down the communication silos in your agency today.